Impact assessment
In the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region impact assessments and evaluations are important. Assessments and evaluations are essential for documenting the effects and assessing the quality, improvement opportunities and the potentials of cycle superhighways.
Impact assessments are typically carried out in connection with route evaluations and other development initiatives. Additionally, the collaboration continuously monitor the cycle superhighways. The data generated by assessments and evaluations contribute to creating the data foundation for the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration’s key figures.
Key figures for the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region in Denmark
The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region has been measuring, evaluating, and collecting data on the impact of cycle superhighways since 2010.
The data sets alone cannot document and communicate the effects. Effective communication of the results requires central key figures that can provide easily understandable, relevant, and comprehensive information about the cycle superhighways.
The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration’s data
When possible, the collaboration’s data is freely accessible to all. Many of the underlying data and results can be obtained through the Capital Region’s online bicycle count, and all evaluation and knowledge reports are available on the cycle superhighways’ website.
Online bicycle account from
The Capital Region of Denmark
Selected key figures for the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region are collected and presented in the annually updated, online bicycle account of the Capital Region of Denmark.