Organisation and funding of the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration

In the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration the municipalities has joined forces with the Capital Region in a voluntarily coordinated cooperation, that works to plan, build, and mantain a regional network of cycle superhighways. The cooperation was founded in 2009 and consist of many collaborators and business partners. Click around the page to learn more about the organisation, the collaborators and the Cycle Superhighway practice.

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Steering committee and project group


The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration is structured by having a steering committee, a project group and a joint office, which operates as the facilitating organ. The steering committee and the project group are positioned by representatives from the municipalities in the collaboration, along with representatives from the Capital Region and observers from the Danish Road Directorate and the Local Government Denmark (KL).

  • Steering committee
    The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration’s focus and strategy are set by the steering committee, which is typically positioned by heads of traffic in the municipalities.
  • Project group
    The project group is typically positioned by traffic planners from the municipalities. Their main tasks are to qualify the professional contents from the office and to execute the local implementation of cycle superhighways within their administrative areas.

The Collaboration does not have a politically assigned steering committee. However, there is tradition for hosting an annual Mayors’ meeting with all the collaborating municipalities and the Capital Region to discuss future progress and foothold.

Meeting structure

  • Steering committee meetings
    Steering committee meetings are held 3-4 times a year. At the meetings decicions are made about the focus and priorities of the collaboration. The steering committee holds decision power.
  • Project group meetings
    Projecy group meetings are held 2-3 times a year. The objectives of the meetings are knowledge sharing and to discuss and qualify development projects.

In addition to project group meetings, the members of the project group also participate in other project groups under special circumstances:

Political decisions

The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration does not have a politically assigned steering committee. However, there are parts of the Collaboration’s practice that must be decided on a political level:

  • Municipality level: The Vision Plan for the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration.
    It must be decided politically in the individual municipality whether the vision to establish a cycle superhighway route that concern the affected municipality can be approved at corridor level.
  • Municipality level: Construction budget for upcoming cycle superhighways.
    The Municipal Council decides the level of funding they wish to allocate towards building cycle superhighways.
  • State level: Construction budget for upcoming cycle superhighways.
    Cycle superhighways in the Captial Region have so far been co-funded by the Danish State’s Bicycle Pool, which is a financial grant that is given to projects that supports cycle development. The Bicycle Pool is granted by the Transport spokespersons from the parliamentary parties.
  • Regional level: Funding of the Collaboration.
    The Capital Region of Denmark is the largest contributor to the facilitation of the Collaboration, including funding the office. The Region decides if they wish to continue to economically support the Collaboration every four years.

Funding the Collaboration

In Denmark cycle infrastructure is mainly on municpal roads and the municipalties holds road authority. The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration focus on regional cycle development and infrastructure and that is why the Collaboration is a cross-municipal cooperation.

The municipalities fund the largest parts of the Collaboration’s shared expenses, however, co-funding from the Danish State and the Capital Region plays a vital role.

The Capital Region co-funds the coordination of the Collaboration, including the presence of a Cycle Superhighway office. State funding pool has help co-financed the implementation of the first 16 cylce superhighways in the Capital Region.

FundingCoordination Implementation
Municipality levelThe municipalities in the Collaboration co-funds the Office with approx. 0.8 DKK per citizen per year, per municipality – approx. 1.5 mio DKK/year for all municipalities ind the collaboration. The municipalities co-fund, implement and maintain cycle superhighways.
Regional levelThe Capital Region co-funds the largest part of the Office – approx. 3 mil. DKK per year.
State levelThe state can co-fund the implementation of cycle superhighways through bicycle pools – covering approx. 40-50 % of the municipalities’ costs.

The State funds, implements and maintain State-owned cycle paths.
Overview of the funding and implementation of cycle superhighways. Updated 2023.

The Office

The Cycle Superhighway office facilitates, coordinates and ensures progress in the cooperation between municipalities, the Capital Region and external collaborators.

The overarching tasks are defined in a perennial project plan, prepared by the office and approved by the steering committee.

Organisation chart

The figure gives an overview of the primary actors in the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration and their level of participation.

The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region of Denmark holds many internal and external collaborators. The external collaborators include traffic companies, regional-, national-, and international authorities, interest groups and universities, among others.

Click here if you want to learn more about the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region.

Examples from other Cycle Superhighway Collaborations

There are many ways to organise and fund a cycle superhighway collaboration. Whether it is the regions, the municipalities or the State who is the primary actor and authority in cycle planning, or to what level the projects are granted economic support, differs greatly. In some cases, municipalities can recieve a high level of government support for regional cycle planning projects, up to 100%, and in other cases, the municipalities have to finance the build out of their own budget.

Read more about international examples of cycle superhighway organisations here.