Key figures and result communication

The key figures and results of cycle superhighways can be communicated both for each individual route and for the entire cycle superhighway network and concept as a whole. In the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region key figures are always based on the collected data from the individual routes, the overall route network and relevant analyses such as socio-economic analyses.

Where route result communication is based on a specific route and thus maintains a relatively local perspective, the communication of cycle superhighways in general focuses on the overall effects of e.g. an entire route network or (cycle superhighway) infrastructure more generally. This communication is important for spreading awareness of the cycle superhighways in general and anchoring the project with the target audiences.

The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region communicates the key figures and results of the collaboration through various media and channels, including:

  • On the collaboration’s website
  • In physical and online publications
  • In physical and online bicycle counts
  • In presentations and speeches
  • On social media
  • In professional articles
  • In the press
  • On roll-ups and similar materials for events

In the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region of Denmark, information about all existing and upcoming cycle superhighways is also communicated on the collaboration’s shared website. This could be cycle-through videoes of all existing routes.

Key figures about cycle superhighways, the routes and the users

The following key figures may be relevant to include when communicating about cycle superhighways as a whole, each route individually or the typical users of the cycle superhighways. It will often be relevant to use key figures from several or all three topics in a communication.

About the network of routes collectively

  • Number of established routes and kilometers and the total number of routes and kilometers in the vision plan
  • The average increase or decrease in bicycle traffic on the established route network
  • The average trip length on the total route network
  • The percentage of new commuters on the route network who previously commuted by car
  • Awareness of the cycle superhighway concept
  • The socio-economic benefits of the cycle superhighways

About an individual route

  • The increase or decrease in bicycle traffic on the route
  • The proportion of new commuters on the route who previously commuted by car
  • How often users use the route (e.g. daily or several times a week)
  • The average trip length on the route
  • The distribution of bicycle types on the route
  • Users’ primary trip purposes
  • Users’ primary motivation for cycling
  • Users’ awareness of the cycle superhighways
  • Demographic facts about the users of the route

About cycle superhighways

  • The average trip length
  • The primary trip purpose (e.g. commuting to/from work)
  • The main motivation for cycling (e.g. exercise)
  • The proportion of new commuters who previously commuted by car
  • The distribution of bicycle types among users (e.g., e-bike or cargo bike)
  • How often users cycle
  • Demographic facts about the users overall
  • Users’ awareness of the cycle superhighways

Central communication techniques

It is often relevant to combine the key figures with a more generel narrative about the cycle superhighways. Therefore, the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region of Denmark works with a number of central communication techniques.

The personal narrative

Get the commuters to tell their own stories as cycle commuters; it’s much more credible. At the same time, it may be easier for potential commuters to relate to a real person rather than just numbers and facts. Commuters can be participants in e-bike challenges or local cyclists.

The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region of Denmark has built a small network of good ambassadors and commuters willing to share their stories, and the Office for Cycle Superhighways is happy to help establish contact.

Show it, don’t tell it

Get others to talk about the benefits of everyday cycling. Also, encourage perspectives beyond the commuter perspective, such as financial, health or climate perspectives.

Focus on flow rather than speed

The cycle superhighways are intended to provide smooth passage for all bike commuters regardless of speed. However, the term “super” often associates these routes with speed and fast cyclists, which can create fear of reckless cyclists racing without regards of other cyclists.

Instead, emphasize the cycle superhighways as routes where efforts are made to ensure fewer stops, allowing cyclists to maintain a steady flow. Avoid using the words “fast” and “speed.”

Cycling is good for the climate, congestion, economy and health

There are many benefits to cycling and cycle superhighways. Depending on the context of the communication, it may be relevant to highlight different advantages and focus on one theme, such as climate, congestion, economy or health. You could visit the online bicycle count of the Capital Region of Denmark and find data on these themes (in Danish).

Socio-economic benefit: Cycling infrastructure pays off

In the socio-economic debate, cycling and cycling infrastructure often play a minor role because cycling infrastructure is relatively inexpensive and only constitutes a small part of the overall budgets. However, cycle superhighways are highly economically viable, and that’s an important message. You can visit the online bicycle count of the Capital Region of Denmark to find facts about socio-economic benefits or find the socio-economic analysis of cycle superhighways in the Capital Region from 2021 (in Danish).