There are several positive spin-off effects of working with vegetation. Therefore, it can be a good idea to work with vegetation in connection with the establishment of cycle superhighways.
Considerations when working with vegetation along cycle superhighways
This section describes various considerations that may be relevant when working with vegetation on cycle superhighways.
Routing through green areas
Green surroundings help to support a good cycling experience. It can have a safety-enhancing effect, for example when a green barrier is established between the roadway and the cycle path, while also increasing the overall attractiveness of a cycle route.
When working with vegetation along cycle superhighways, it’s a good idea to apply a holistic perspective so that the surroundings through which the cycle superhighway runs are already taken into account and considered when planning the route. E.g., is it possible for the cycle superhighway to run on its own track in green surroundings?
It’s also possible to work with vegetation along roads that are already built up and where you do not pass through nature and green surroundings. An ideal location is along major access roads, which are often relatively wide, busy and passing industrial areas.
It is also important when working with vegetation on cycle superhighways that it does not pose a risk to road safety where vegetation can create poor visibility for both cyclists and motorists, for example on stretches with many side roads.
Undersøgelse af den attraktive cykeloplevelse
Supercykelstierne har i samarbejde med konsulentbureauet Is It a Bird udarbejdet en konceptualisering af “den attraktive cykeloplevelse”.
Vegetation can serve several purposes
Vegetation along cycle superhighways can serve several purposes:
Vegetation can be incorporated as part of climate adaptation solutions (WSUD). Read more about climate adaptation on cycle superhighways
- Vegetation can be used to create wind protection on stretches with high crosswinds, and can create a greater perceived safety by acting as a green barrier between cycle path and roadway.
- Vegetation can be incorporated as part of climate adaptation solutions (WSUD). Read more about climate adaptation on cycle superhighways here.
- Vegetation can create an attractive streetscape and at the same time help to strengthen biodiversity.
- Vegetation can also indirectly help to reduce the speed of cars along roads. Establishing plant beds alongside roads can be used to narrow the roadway, which in itself can lead to lower speeds. Roadside trees can also have an indirect speed-reducing effect on traffic in a number of cases.
You can work with vegetation along cycle superhighways in several formats, for example:
- Vegetation beds between cycle superhighway and roadway
- Green strips between cycle superhighway and roadway
- Plant boxes on residential roads as traffic calming
- Trees and bushes along the cycle superhighway
- Ditches between cycle superhighway and roadway (this solution is only recommended for cycle superhighways outside urban areas)
On cycle superhighways, it is recommended that vegetation is coordinated with each municipality’s different vegetation guidelines, for example in relation to plant species and -types and operation and maintenance.
Operation and maintenance of vegetation
On cycle superhighways, it is important to focus on operation and maintenance – also when it comes to vegetation.
Therefore, it is recommended to consider how to ensure that vegetation does not grow wild and have a negative impact on visibility, accessibility/flow, comfort, safety and perceived sercurity on the route, already in the early phases of establishing the cycle superhighway.
Inspiration catalog
Below is an image catalog for inspiration with examples of cycle paths in green surroundings where vegetation has been used to separate cycle path and roadway and as part of a speed reduction system on a less trafficked road with no cycling facilities.