Events and campaigns

An important aspect of cycle superhighways is communication, as increasing awareness of cycle superhighways as a concept and the specific routes is necessary to encourage more people to cycle. Launches and cycle superhighway campaigns are effective in raising awareness, as they can also help retain and acknowledge existing commuters. The same applies to events, which can either be solely about cycle superhighways or bigger events where cycle superhighways are part of the event.

In the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region of Denmark, communication regarding all existing and future cycle superhighways will be available on the collaboration’s shared website:

Route launches

When a cycle superhighway is completed, it is celebrated with a common route launch involving all municipalities of the route. In the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region the Office for Cycle Superhighways are responsible for planning the route launches in close dialogue and collaboration with the municipalities. The office handles both the initial considerations, planning, execution, and the accompanying communication and PR.

When a new cycle superhighway is to be launched, it can be done in many ways. It is therefore relevant to consider the following questions in the initial planning phase:

10 questions for route launches

Does the route have any special characteristics?

E.g. if there is a strong focus on lighting, the launch can be based on this theme and take place during the darker hours of the day. If the route passes by many workplaces, the launch can be based on a corporate initiative together with neighboring companies and so on.

Is there a particular current occasion/event locally or regionally?

E.g. if there is a cycling theme week being held in one of the route’s municipalities, this event can serve as the backdrop for the launch or if a campaign e.g. a Bike to Work-campaign is taking place soon the two events can maybe be combined.

Is there a particular political wish or demand for the launch?

E.g. if the route has sparked debate in the local community or has political prestige, there may be a desire to tone down or ramp up the launch. Typically, local politicians would like to participate in route launches regardless of size, as cycle superhighways are as much a local as a regional upgrade.

What type of launch does the timing suggest?

In spring it’s ideal to focus on getting people on their bikes. Autumn suggests a campaign aiming to get people back on their bikes after the holidays, while a winter launch requires extra care for cyclists e.g. through small bike repairs or a focus on good winter maintenance.

How many participants are wanted?

Is there a wish for a large launch with many participants and both commuters, politicians, citizens, etc., it’s a good idea to launch the route during rush hour in the morning or afternoon. However, this places different demands on the content itself; for instance, a larger bike tour on the route during rush hour may be disruptive to existing traffic and not a great succes.

What should the launch consist of?

A bike ride along the route works well to signify the launch of the route. Alternatively, one can organize one or more small or larger events along the route to meet the users instead of arrangeging a bike trip on the route.

Does it need participation from officials?

Mayors often like to participate, give a speech, and possibly cut an orange ribbon to mark the opening of a route and the completion of a project that typically has taken several years to finish. Since there are typically multiple mayors along one route, it’s important that all municipalities along the route are involved in deciding and planning the launch event.

Who should also participate?

The bike commuter is the primary target audience for cycle superhighways. Therefore, it is also logical that the commuter is one of the primary target audiences for the launch of a new cycle superhighway. Additionally, citizens, politicians, local businesses, and local cycle associations can also participate. It is recommended to focus on everyday cycling and bike commuting to maintain the story of cycle superhighways. If the launch is targeted towards families with children or school-children, it will be more difficult to keep the focus on bike commuting and the story of the benefits of good regional cycling connections. 

What is the purpose with the launch besides launching the route?

The primary purpose may be to mark that the route is opened. In that case, the launch can be small and local. If the purpose is to encourage a number of businesses along the route to do more to encourage their employees to choose cycling, it requires a larger and longer-lasting effort that extends beyond the launch event itself.

What stories should come from the launch?

If you want local coverage of a single launch event, the relevant press should be invited well in advance. If you want broader coverage of a longer-term effort, stories should be pitched to relevant media well in advance and typically coordinated closely with the media as it progresses. Learn more about press coverage here.

Check list for route launches

  • Begin planning well in advance by answering the 10 questions for route launches.
  • Continuously check that all construction projects are completed on time to ensure that the entire route is ready to launch as planned.
  • If individual projects are delayed, consider postponing the launch unless the delay is disproportionate and does not significantly impact the overall route experience.
  • A cycle superhighway can be launched throughout the year, but timing helps set the framework.
  • Answer the questions for specific planning and check:
    • Does the event match the target audience in content and framework/practice?
    • Is the event relevant and feasible for the desired participants to attend?
  • Remember to consider communication and press efforts in a timely manner.

Campaign and events

Events and campaigns can be one-off or recurring and are typically season-, event-, and user-oriented. For a larger or longer campaign, it is a good idea to develop a separate communication plan with press efforts, contingency plan, and social media strategy. It is important to consider how users on cycle superhighways are reached, how any criticism is handled, and how the event fits into the overall narrative and current situation.

In the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the capital region of Denmark, cycle superhighway events and campaigns are primarily planned and executed by the Office for Cycle Superhighways in collaboration with the municipalities.

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Corporate campaigns

Companies are a prime target audience for campaigns and events because workplaces are the common destination for cycle superhighway commuters, also making them the place where the most (potential) cycle commuters are gathered.

  • The advantages are that you reach many people and target the core audience quite accurately. Additionally, a good collaboration can kick-start several cycling-promoting initiatives within companies over time.
  • The challenges are that it requires a good pitch to get companies engaged, as it can be difficult to prioritize non-essential commitments in a busy company or work day. At the same time, such efforts typically require significant resources with the risk of limited effectiveness. Therefore, it is advantageous to leverage existing local business collaborations or incorporate the campaign or event into already planned activities. Make it as easy as possible for companies to participate in the initiative.

Test an e-bike-campaign

For some potential bike commuters, the major barrier to shift to biking is the uncertainties associated with changing their commuter mode. What is it really like to bike to work every day? What does it require, how challenging is it, how much planning is involved, how long does it take, and what are the benefits of bike commuting? These uncertainties can be addressed and eliminated by giving potential commuters the opportunity to live and test the life of a bike commuter for a period. Especially for commuters with longer distances, where an e-bike is the most realistic long-term solution, a trial period can help confirm or refute whether investing in an e-bike is the right choice for the commuter.

  • The advantages of e-bike campaigns are that the success rate is typically very good, and the campaigns generate positive, personal stories that are easy to convey.
  • The challenge with e-bike campaigns is that they can be very resource-intensive, both in terms of acquiring the e-bikes and finding test commuters, especially if there are specific requirements for commuters, such as commuter distance or previous mode of transport.

Winter campaigns

In the winter season, cyclists are highly dependent on proper lighting and reliable maintenance of the routes. They are more exposed to the elements, and it’s dark both when they depart and when they bike home. Winter campaigns are excellent for meeting cyclists out on the routes, acknowledging their efforts, and being available for feedback. At the same time, it’s an opportunity to focus on a municipality’s maintenance standards, e.g. by showcasing equipment and bringing operations employees along for the event.

Previous winter campaigns in the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration have consisted of a series of events spread across existing routes with different themes, such as lighting or snow clearing/salting of the routes. An event typically lasted a few hours, either during the morning or afternoon rush hours, and was staffed by two employees from the Office for Cycle Superhighways along with a member and a operations manager from the municipality. Additionally, there was a coffee cart and a bike mechanic to provide free bike repairs and hot coffee to winter commuters.

  • The advantages of winter campaigns are that they reach the core target audience out on the routes where they are not often encountered. It provides an opportunity to get the commuters’ feedback and to recognize commuters’ efforts. Winter campaigns with the setup mentioned above achieve significant impact for a relatively small cost, and the concept can be easily replicated and scaled to match the given circumstances and budgets.
  • The challenges of winter campaigns are that, based on experience, offering free bike repairs and coffee to cyclists can generate negative publicity. It can be perceived as favoritism towards cyclists and as distorting competition for (local) bike shops. However, it is entirely legal and within municipal authority, but it is essential to be aware that there is a risk of negative publicity.

NOTE! If winter campaigns with a bike mechanic are arranged, it is important to ask nearby bike repairs if they want the job and also to inform them about the event well in advance. The same applies to nearby coffee shops.

NOTE! It is important that the event takes place on the route. It is a good idea to ensure that the event is visible from a long distance, and that you can easily stop and pull over to the side without causing inconvenience.

Bike to work-campaigns

One of the most succesful cycling campaigns in Denmark is “Vi Cykler Til Arbejde” (We Bike to Work), which encourages employees in companies across the country to bike to work in May. Although the Danish Cyclists’ Federation (Cyklistforbundet) organizes the campaign, there are ample opportunities to actively use the timing in connection with other similar events and campaigns. The Cycle Superhighway Collaboration in the Capital Region of Denmark has good experiences planning launches and other bike challenges in May to create extra engagement and mutual attention to the activities.

  • The advantage of linking events and campaigns to existing Bike to Work-campaigns is that it is already widely known and many people can therefore engage more easily. Individuals participating in e.g. an e-bike challenge can also gain extra support from colleagues participating in the regular Bike to Work-campaign. Route launches that coincide with the month of May can also gain more visibility and coverage when the two events together create added value.
  • The challenges of linking events and campaigns to Bike to Work-campaings is that misunderstandings may arise about the extent to which the various events are related. This may require clearer communication to avoid confusion.

Video campaigns – The Everyday Cycling Champions

In connection with 2022 being announced as The year of the bicycle in Denmark, the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration has produced a video campaign called The Everyday Cycling Champions.

Cycling is often seen as a natural part of Danish culture. However, the Danish cycling culture hasn’t emerged on its own. On the contrary, it is the result of many years of work to create better cycling infrastructure and better conditions for cyclists. The video campaign celebrates exactly those who contribute to making Denmark a cycling nation and the cycle superhighways a reality and a great success – The Everyday Cycling Champions.

The campaign consists of ten short portraits, each focusing on selected actors, all of whom play a crucial role in the creation and success of the cycle superhighways, such as the winter commuter, the planner, the operations manager, and businesses working to promote cycling among their employees. The videos are all available on the Cycle Superhighways’ YouTube channel.

This is an example of a campaign that is not physically linked to the cycle superhighways and does not have a particular local connection. However, the campaign and the individual videos can be tailored to various contexts and reused in different configurations.

Route launches

When a cycle superhighway is completed, it should be launched as a one coherent route.

It is important to ensure that the launch event aligns with the overall cycle superhighway narrative. If there is an expectation of launching multiple cycle superhighways within a short timeframe, it can be beneficial to establish overarching themes for the different launches early on. This ensures variation in the stories and provides an overview and control over how the cycle superhighway narrative unfolds over time.

Read more about route launches above and see pictures from various launch events below.

See pictures from various launches, events and campaigns

Roskilderuten was launched in 2022 alongside the unveiling of the 100-day programme and the presentation of the Tour de France Grand Départ trophy. The launch included a public bike tour from Roskilde to Copenhagen with stops in all eight municipalities along the way, where mayoral speeches were held and various refreshments and entertainment were provided. The bike caravan set off from Roskilde and was received in Copenhagen by the director of the Tour de France, Christian Prudhomme. Along the 30 km long route, several hundred citizens joined the ride.

Roskilderuten is an example of a major launch event that was combined with two other events, thereby gaining extra political attention as well as extensive media coverage and strong local support in all municipalities. An event like this requires a particularly strong pitch and many resources for planning. The Office for Cycle Superhighways led the entire launch, while the municipalities were responsible for the local events.

Ørestadsruten was launched in 2022 with an event in Ørestad, where participants could learn more about the cycle superhighways, take part in competitions, get a quick bike repair, enjoy a cup of coffee and receive a bike map of the cycle superhighways and other local bike routes. The event also marked the culmination of a long-term cycling promotion effort in Ørestad, led by the Municipality of Copenhagen with involvement from local businesses in Ørestad and Ørestad Gymnasium.

In connection with the launch of Ørestadsruten a test an e-bike-campaign was arranged allowing residents or employees in Ørestad to borrow an e-bike for six to twelve weeks and experience and test life as a bike commuter. This is an example of a very local route launch, which is particularly unique for Ørestadruten, as it passes through only one municipality.

Jyllinge-Stenløseruten was launched in 2021 in two stages. First, in February, there was an online celebration marking the completion and opening of the route, featuring a video tour of the route shared on social media and in the press. In June, the route was officially launched with a mayoral bike tour from Stenløse to Jyllinge. The bike tour included mayors, local politicians, local departments of the Danish Cyclist’s Federation, Cycling Without Age (DK), and citizens. In Jyllinge all participants were offered juice and fruit and mayoral speeches were held.

Jyllinge-Stenløseruten is an example of how a route launch can be executed when considering COVID-19 restrictions, poor timing in relation to the cycling season, and a desire for a quick marking of the route’s opening immediately after construction completion. By splitting the launch into two parts, both local wishes and needs were accommodated without compromising the launch event itself. The dual launch also resulted in additional local media coverage.

The video campaign The Everyday Cycling Champions consists of ten short portraits, each focusing on selected individuals who play a crucial role in the creation and success of the cycle superhighways, such as the winter commuter, the planner, the operations manager, and companies promoting cycling among their employees. The campaign is an example of a campaign not directly linked to the cycle superhighways and lacking a specific local connection. However, the campaign and its individual videos can be adapted to various contexts and reused in different configurations.

In conjunction with the launch of Allerødruten, Frederikssundruten, Indre Ringrute, Ring 4-ruten and Værløseruten in 2017, a group of commuters from various companies along the five new routes participated in a bike challenge. They agreed swap their cars for bikes and bike to work during the month of May. The commuters were given e-bikes for the challenge and underwent health tests before and after. During the same period the commuters and their workplaces received visits from the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration with a bike mechanic and a coffee cart, providing coffee and free bike repairs for employees for a couple of hours.

The winter campaign on Allerødruten, Frederikssundruten, Indre Ringrute, Ring 4-ruten and Værløse Route in 2018 was organized as an extension of the launch of the five new routes in the spring of 2017. The campaign focused on the importance and possibility of commuting by bike all year around. The campaign consisted of seven events spread across the five new routes. The goal of the campaign was partly to meet and acknowledge the cyclists who bike all year, partly to inspire potential commuter cyclists, and partly to focus on and discuss the maintenance work that the municipalities carry out and commit to in the Cycle Superhighway Collaboration.