Navigation and wayfinding

A cycle superhighway should provide a high level of route information and guidance for users along the routes. Navigation and wayfinding on cycle superhighways is focused on the physical and permanent communication of the route, in forms of signage and pavement markings.

Route information should be visible and intuitive for cyclists throughout the entire route. A shared set of standards for navigation therefore aims to ensure coherency on the routes and contribute to a consistent cycling experience for all users, making it both easy and accessible to follow a cycle superhighway.

Cycle Superhighway logo, V 62

The Cycle Superhighway Logo (V 62) is used as the primary indicator of a cycle superhighway and is applied in combination with other forms of signage and markings.

The V 62 Logo has been approved as a pavement marking by the Danish Ministry of Traffic1Transportministeriet: Bekendtgørelse om anvendelse af vejafmærkning §213, (BEK nr 2511 af 09/12/2021). Link and can be implemented by all road authorities. The logo also appears as route identification for a cycle superhighway (L 46) in Bekendtgørelsen om vejafmærkning §44 2Transportministeriet: Bekendtgørelse om vejafmærkning §44, (BEK nr 425 af 13/04/2023). Link.

Principles for navigation and wayfinding

Route navigation and wayfinding on cycle superhighways follows two main principles:

Consistency across administrative borders

Navigation and wayfinding should be consistent and uniform across municipal borders. This is done by using the orange Cycle Superhighway Logo and implementing identical signage and markings throughout the entire route.

Visible route information

Route information in the form of signage and pavement markings should be placed so they are visible for cyclists and it is intuitive for cyclists to navigate on the cycle superhighway.

Navigation on the route

It is essenital to have consistent route information throughout the whole cycle superhighway route course.

A cycle superhighway is identified with the Cycle Superhighway Logo along with a route number and a route name, which consists as the primary route indicators. These are typically marked on road sign panels.

Prepare an overall plan for navigation and wayfinding on cycle superhighways

It is a good idea to prepare an overall plan for navigation and wayfinding for the entire cycle superhighway route, to ensure consistent route information along the route, and coherency across the municipal borders.

An overall navigation plan can provide an overview of the types of signage that are needed, where to place them, which distant and near targets to link to, as well as the placements of pavement markings. It further provides an overview of the implementation areas, which is relevant to hand over to the suppliers and contractors in charge of the physical implementation.

Follow the principles for navigation and wayfinding when preparing the overall plan.

Identify and choose distant and near target locations

To ensure proper navigation and wayfinding on the cycle superhigways, distant and near locations need to be identified and chosen as targets. A premise for selecting af location as a target is that the route passes the specific location. When a target has been selected, it is important to use the targets on the signage all the way to the target location.

Distant targets are beginning and end points for a route – for example the name of a city, a city center, the name of an urban area or location or a station.

  • When the distance to a distant target is longer than 10 kilometers, the distance is indicated in full kilometers
  • When the distance to a distant target is shorter than 10 kilometers, the distance is indicated with a single decimal, representing each 100 meters  
  • If the end point is located in a larger city or municipality, it is relevant to refer to the name of the city or municipality as the distant target, until the route passes the administrative border. Thereafter, the distant target can refer to the specific end point.

Near targets are points the route passes that are relavent to inform the users about along the route – for example cities, urban areas, business parks and stations.

  • The distance to a near target should maximum be 5 kilometers
  • The distance is indicated with a single decimal, representing each 100 meters.
  • A station should only be considered a near target if it is on the route, or less than 500 meters from the route course.

Types of signs, placements and cycle superhighway pavement markings

In the tab below you can find information about recommendations for signs, pavement markings, and where to place them.

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Signs for a linear route course

Road sign panels

A cycle superhighway with a linear route course should have a road sign that indicate route name, route number and the logo (L46), and be of the road sign type F21.1.1. The road sign is the primary sign panel but can be supplemented with additional panels if relevant.

Road signs on cycle superhighways are recommended to be of the following measurements: H: 480mm og W: 300mm. Larger signs can be used under special circumstances3Vejregler: Vejvisning for cyklister samt vejvisning for vandre- og rideruter, 2017, s.8. Link.

An example of a road sign panel (F21.1.1) on a linear route course. Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, The Capital Region of Denmark.

On route stretches where a cycle superhighway intersects with another cycle route, it is important to communicate the route numbers for both routes, on the road sign. This applies to all route types.

An example of a sign panel where two routes intersect. Here, the cycle superhighway C99, Albertslundruten, shares a course with the Cycle Route 51. Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, The Capital Region of Denmark

Additional panels

The F21.1.1 road sign can be supplemented with an additional panel that indicates a route’s distant or near targets. When a target is presented, it is important to continue to sign the target until the point is reached on the route.

On cycle superhighways, additional panels are recommended to be of the following measurements: H: 150 mm and W: 300mm.

The width of the panel should be compatible to the width of the road sign. Panel width can therefore vary in accordance to the road sign.

An example of a road sign F21.1.1 with an additional panel that communicate the distance to a distant and a near target. Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, Capital Region of Denmark.

Recommendations for sign use on cycle superhighways follows regulations from the Danish Ministry of Transport (Danish: Bekendtgørelser om vejafmærkning4Transportministeriet: Bekendtgørelse om anvendelse af vejafmærkning, (BEK nr 2511 af 09/12/2021). Link, håndbogen Vejvisning for cyklister5Vejregler: Vejvisning for cyklister, 2017. Link og Tegningsbilag for Vejvisning på cykel-, ride- og vandreruter6Vejregler: Vejvisning for cyklister samt vejvisning for vandre- og rideruter, 2017. Link.)

Signs for when a route turns

A change in the course of a cycle superhighway should be communicated with an additional arrow sign panel, to supplement the road sign. The arrow panel indicates the direction of the turn. Additionally, the information can be supplemented by distance indicators or other information.

The following arrows are compatible with cycle superhighway signage:

Curved arrow (panel “U 6.2″/panel “U 6.4”)

A curved arrow panel indicates a turn in the route course further ahead, for example left turns in an intersection and should preferably be placed 10 meters prior to the point of turning. It is recommended that a curved arrow panel follows the measurements H: 300 mm, W: 300 mm. The size of a curved arrow panel can vary, in accordance to the road sign.

An example of a road sign with an additional curved arrow panel (U 6,2/U 6,4). Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, Capital Region of Denmark.

Horizontal arrow (panel “UD 1”)

A horizontal arrow sign panel can be used to indicate an immediate turn in the route course – near the sign. A horizontal arrow panel is recommended to follow the measurements: H: 150 mm, W: 300 mm, but can vary in accordance to the road sign.

An example of a horizontal arrow panel that indicates an immideate turn in the route course, from one path to another. Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, Capital Region of Denmark.

Arrow panel in combination with a target panel

It can sometimes be nescessary to communicate a change in the course as well as near and distant targets. This is done by using two additional panels to supplement the road sign, as seen below. Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, Capital Region of Denmark.

Signs for when a route intersects in path networks

When a cycle superhighway intersects with a path network away from motorized traffic, it is possible to implement a F21.2.1 path direction sign, to communicate the change in route course. For example, in a T-intersection. The F21.2.1 path direction sign can further be supplemented by communicating near and distant targets, including pointing to other cycle superhighways routes near by, by using route indicators7Vejregler: Vejvisning for cyklister samt vejvisning for vandre- og rideruter, 2017, s. 38. Link.

Below you’ll find two examples of path direction signs on cycle superhighway C99, the Albertslund route. The picture to the left illustrates a path direction sign with a road sign and direction indicators to near and distant targets. The picture to the right illustrates a path direction sign in combination with non cycle superhighway signage. The path direction signs communicates a route indicator and a distant target

An example of a path direction sign for C99, the Albertslund route, which communicates the route and the near and distant targets. Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, Capital Region of Denmark.

An example of a path direction sign that communicates the Albertslund route, as well as the national cycle route 58. Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, Capital Region of Denmark.

Signs for roundabouts

The additional panel U 6.8 is used to supplement the road sign in roundabouts8Vejregler: Vejvisning for cyklister samt vejvisning for vandre- og rideruter, 2017, s. 24. Link

It can be a good idea to combine a path table sign, type F21.3, with an additional panel, type U 6.8, to communicate both route and distance indicators for a cycle superhighway with a route course going through a roundabout. The additional panel can further be used to communicate information about another cycle superhighway.

The pictures below shows two examples of signage near a roundabout in Stenløse, where the two cycle superhighways, the C97 Frederikssund route and the C76 Jyllinge-Stenløse route, intersects. The signs includes path table signs with U 6.8 panels, as well as additional panels that communicates distance indicators to the routes’ near and distant targets.

Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, the Capital Region in Denmark
Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, the Capital Region of Denmark

Placement of signs

It is important that signs are placed to enhance visibility, intuitivity and accessibility for cyclists, both to secure coherent route information as well as ensuring the user in that they are following the right directions. Sign placement should also consider existing built environment and urban space.

Cycle superhighway signs should be placed after the following principles:

  • Signs are placed wherever there is any doubt about the route course. This means, for example, after every traffic regulated intersection the route passes through, to confirm the direction.
  • Signs should be placed in the right side of traffic direction and should always be placed perpendicularly to the direction of movement.
  • There should maximum be a 3 kilometer distance between signs on cycle superhighways
  • The edge of the sign must be placed at least 0.3 meters from the edge of the bicycle path and 0.5 meters from the edge of the roadway
  • Cycle superhighway signs should be integrated with existing signage
  • If panel signs are placed near other low positioned signage, the signs must be arranged so that the top edge is aligned with the top edge of the other signage. If this is not possible, panel signs should be moved far away from other signage.
  • In intersections it is important to consider if cycle superhighway signage is visible in the built environment or in relation to other information that is communicated.
  • Signs are placed in low positioned hangers, gallows or in leveled stands. This depends on the surroundings.
  • It is recommended that the height of a low positioned sign should be 0.9 meters from the pavement surface to the top of the sign. This ensures good chances for visibility for cyclists, as well as making sure that sign tables are not disrupting a clear overview.
  • If the sign is placed on a high stand, for example due to a dense urban environment, the height must be at least 2.3 meters from the bicycle path pavement and to the top, and 2.2 meters from the sidewalk pavement to the top. In some cases, it may be necessary to place the sign higher, to accomodate snow removal and other operations9Transportministeriet: Bekendtgørelse om anvendelse af vejafmærkning, (BEK nr 801 af 4/6/2012). Link . However, the height from the pavement surface to the low edge of the sign should not exceed 2.8 meters. If the signs are placed on high stands, be aware that they are placed outside the cyclists’ natural field of vision

Cycle superhighway markings on the route

A cycle superhighway is also signed with pavement markings of the cycle superhighway logo (V62). Pavement markings are a supplement to other signage and are used continuously along the entire route

According to the Danish Transport Ministry’s declerations10Transportministeriet: Bekendtgørelse om anvendelse af vejafmærkning, (BEK nr 2510 af 09/21/2021). Link, a round pavement marking can have a diameter of 30, 40 or 50 centimeter. On cycle superhighways in the Capital Region, it is recommended that pavement markings have a diameter of 40 centimeter.

An example of a round pavement marking with the cycle superhighway logo (V 62), on the C97 Frederikssund route. Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, Capital Region of Denmark.

Pavement markings on cycle superhighways should be implemented after the following principles:

  • Round markings should only be implemented on cycle paths. It should not be implemented on cycle lanes, regular roads, or 2 minus-1 roads.
  • Round markings should be placed every 200 meters on unidirectional cycle paths. Distance calculations are reset at every intersections, where the route is confirmed with a pavement marking.
  • Round markings should be placed at a frequency of 300 meters in each direction on bidirectional cycle paths. The markings should be staggered in each direction, so that there is 150 meters between each logo (regardless of direction).
  • Round markings should be placed minimum 10 meters from other cycle related symbols.
  • Pavement markings should be placed immediately before and after an intersection so that they are used to navigate the cyclist through the intersection.
  • Pavement markings can advantagely be placed in turn lanes or straight cycle lanes through intersections, depending on if the route curves or not.

Navigation away from the route

It can sometimes be a good idea to guide the cyclist towards a target that is not located on the cycle superhighway.

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Wayfinding to public transport nodes

In order for cycle superhighways to effectively connect and support public transportation, it is a good idea to guide towards stations, bus terminals and other regional public transport nodes, in close distance of the route course.

When guding to and from public transportation nodes, it is recommended to use the F21.2 arrow road sign with a service symbol and/or the name of the target. A service symbol can for instance inclyde a pictogram of a railway station or bus terminal. See examples below.

Service signposts are placed according to the same guidelines as for path direction signs F21.211Vejregler: Vejvisning for cyklister, 2017, s. 50. Link. It is recommended that service signs indicate the distance to a target, when guiding the cyclist away from the route.

Transportation targets are recommended to be located within a 500 meter radius of a cycle superhighway if it is a train station and within a radius of 100 meters if it is a bus stop.

Examples of service symbols for public transport nodes: M 13 Railway station, M 13.1 S train, M 13.2 Metro, M 14 Bus terminal. Photo: Danish Road Directorate (2017).

Example of a service signpost near Storebælt. Photo: Celis Consult.

Wayfinding to other cycle superhighways

It requires a higher level of wayfinding when cycle superhighways intersect, to ensure an easy transition between routes and a successful direction of the cyclist.

The road sign is placed on the right side of the road just before the intersection. It should indicate the direction for the specific route as well as for the connecting route. To indicate the direction of the connecting route, additional arrow panels are used, or path diagram signs can be used. Additionally, a sign must be placed immediately after the cyclist has turned onto the new route, for confirmation and to provide information about distant and nearby targets on the new route.

When signing to other cycle superhighways or other cycle routes in general, from a route, path direction signs can also be used. Here, it is possible to indicate distant and near targets as well as distance indications. Path table signs can be placed on both high poles and low gallows, depending on the surroundings. Sometimes, it can be advantageous to use path table signs, as it reduces the number of signs in urban areas and can thus be integrated or combined with existing signage.

Below are examples from the Lyngby route in the Municipality of Copenhagen, which intersects with C92 Allerødruten. Path table signs with distance indicators and targets along the route have been used here. In addition, travel time indicators are also shown. It should be noted that permission must be sought for the use of travel time indicators in Denmark.

Examples of path table signs distance indicators and near targets:

Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, Capital Region of Denmark.

Foto: Supercykelstisamarbejdet, hovedstadsregionen

Photo: Cycle Superhighway Collaboration, Capital Region of Denmark.


  • Danish Ministry of Transport: Bekendtgørelse om vejafmærkning, (BEK nr 801 af 4/6/2012). Link
  • Danish Ministry of Transport: Bekendtgørelse om vejafmærkning, (BEK nr 2511 af 09/12/2021). Link
  • Road Regulation: Vejvisning for cyklister, 2017. Link
  • Road Regulation: Vejvisning for cyklister samt vejvisning for vandre- og rideruter, 2017. Link