(en) Supercykelstier er et samarbejde mellem 30 kommuner og Region Hovedstaden.

850+ km

31 kommuner

60+ ruter

Samarbejdet arbejder for at skabe en better cykelinfrastruktur, der gør det sundt, nemt og sikkert at vælge cyklen til og fra arbejde – også på strækninger over fem kilometer.

Give a hint

Is part of your cycle superhighway in need of a sweeping, cutting, or is there a hole in the asfalt in need of fixing? The quickest way is to report it directly to the municipalty in which the problem is located.

Join our user panel

Become a part of the cycle superhighways’ test commuter-panel and receive invitations when we need commuters to test different initiatives on the cycle superhighways.


Find all our analyses, evaluations and
publications here. Unfortunately, most of our documents are in Danish. Let us know if you need more information about specific documents.