23 km
4 road authorities
2030 launch year
Non-financed routes
Route length
23 km
Municipalities and road authorities
Egedal, Frederikssund, Hillerød, Danish Road Directorate
In the north the route starts in the southern end of Hillerød and runs primarely along the State road Hovedvej 6, with possible detours through the cities Gørløse, Slangerup and Ølstykke. There are varying levels of bicycle infrastructure on the strecth.
About the route
The route connects Slangerup with the stations in Ølstykke and Gørløse. To the north there is a connection to the planned Hillerød-Helsingørruten via other planned cycle superhighways and to the south to the planned Ølstykke-Roskilderuten. The route is thus part of a planned, coherent connection between Helsingør and Køge. It is unclear whether the route will bypass the towns of Gørløse, Slangerup and Ølstykke along state bypasses or whether they will be routed through the towns along municipal roads.
The route connects
The route connects the areas Hillerød, Kongens Vænge, Favrholm, Freerslev, Gørløse, Slangerup, Jørlunde and Ølstykke Stationsby.
Transport nodes
The route passes:
- FavrholmSt. (S-train, local train)
- Gørløse St. (Local train, S-bus)
- Slangerup Rutebilstation (R-bus, S-bus, E-bus)
- Ølstykke St. (S-train, S-bus)
- Several bus stops along the stretch (S-bus)
Facts about the route
Expected launch
The route is expected to be launched before 2030.
The route is expected to cost 60 million DKK to build.