5 km
2 road authorities
2030 launch year
Non-financed routes
Route length
5 km
Municipalities and road authorities
Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gentofte
The route runs on one-way cycle tracks along Klampenborgvej from the western side of the Helsingør Motorway on to Klampenborg St.
About the route
The route runs mainly in open land through Dyrehaven in forest area and low-rise development on to Klampeborg Station. The route connects Lyngby, Klampenborg and Gentofte and connects the Ring 3-ruten, Lyngbyruten and Kystbaneruten.
The route connects
The route connects the areas Lyngby, fortunen and Klampenborg.
Transport nodes
The route passes:
- Lundtoftevej v. Klampenborgvej (E-bus)
- Klampenborgvej v. Helsingørmotorvejen (S-bus)
- Klampenborg St. (S-train, Regional train and Øresund train)
Facts about the route
Expected launch
The route is expected to be launched before 2030.
The route is expected to cost 21 million DKK to build.